Site Operating Procedures – Version 9

In response to the Omicron variant, the CLC is republishing the Site Operating Procedures to provide up to date guidance for sites. The Site Operating Procedures – Version 9 incorporates the following key changes:

  • A revised introduction to recognise that working with COVID-19 is now ‘business as usual’ for the industry;
  • Appropriate language to reflect the current situation on site, for example ‘managing’ rather than ‘restricting’ numbers of workers;
  • Removing out of date references to when to go to work, shielding etc.

The Build UK COVID‐19 flowchart also continues to be updated in line with the latest rules on self‐isolation. Anyone who is asymptomatic and receives a positive lateral flow test in England is now no longer required to take a confirmatory PCR test.

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February edition of the CLC newsletter published