Government Proposal for a New Approach to Building: Call for Evidence

A consultation to understand how prepared the sector is to adapt to a new approach to building, to be adopted across government departments where it presents value for money.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced at Budget 2017 that five central government departments would adopt a presumption in favour of offsite construction. This signalled that the government was committed to leveraging its buying power to support the modernisation of the construction sector.

Following these commitments government are now taking the next steps to implement this measure by setting out a new approach to building, to be adopted across government departments where it presents value for money. They have called this a platform approach to design for manufacture and assembly (P-DfMA).

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It proposes that government departments can take a consistent approach to construction by using standardised and inter-operable components from a wide base of suppliers across a range of different buildings. This is to drive a new market for manufacturing in construction and thereby take advantage of economies and efficiencies of scale.

Before committing to this approach, government is consulting to understand how prepared the sector is to adapt to this change and support the delivery of this approach.

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