Department for Education’s – Call for evidence on the effectiveness of CITB and ECITB

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) notes the Department for Education’s (DfE) current Industrial Training Board (ITB) review, including a call for evidence from stakeholders on the current and future operation of the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and Engineering Construction Industry Training Board.

The review is part of a wider programme across government to ensure Arms-Length Bodies (ALBs) remain effective in the future. It will consider the ongoing need for the ITBs, the effectiveness of the levy progress and how it’s invested, so that they continue to deliver for the public and represent a responsible use of levy funds. It will consider the ITBs’ operating models, governance, accountability models and impact. The review is being led by an independent lead reviewer, Mark Farmer, CEO of Cast Consultancy, supported by a team in DfE.

As part of the Call for Evidence, Government would welcome contributions from employers within scope of the current CITB Levy Order, as well as trade bodies. The CLC would encourage relevant colleagues to participate, by the closing date of 25th August at call for evidence.

A final report and recommendations are expected to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Education at the end of 2023. Ministers will then assess the recommendations and determine the Government’s response having taken CITB’s views on the recommendations into account.

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