Consultation launched on the Higher-Risk Building Regulations

The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has published a consultation on the Higher-Risk Building (Descriptions and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations.

This consultation is the first in a series of consultations on regulations which sit under the Building Safety Act 2022. It covers regulations which will complete the definition of higher-risk building for the purpose of the new more stringent regime. It seeks views on:

    1. the overall definition of a building for the purposes of both the design and construction and occupation parts of the new more stringent building safety regime being brought forward by the Building Safety Act;
    2. which buildings are included and excluded in relation to the design and construction part of the new regime and the definitions of these buildings;
    3. which buildings are excluded in relation to the occupation part of the new regime and the definitions of these buildings; and
    4. the method for measuring height and number of storeys.

The responses to this consultation will be used help develop final regulations before they are laid in parliament.

The consultation can be found on Citizens Space here and a HTML version can be found on here.

The consultation will be open until the 21 July 2022.

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