CLC Building Safety Report

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) has today published a report on the progress made by the industry to improve building safety, in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

The report sets out how the CLC and the wider industry have taken forward work in relation to 5 key areas:

1. Leadership and Culture;
2. Safe Design;
3. Safe Construction;
4. Safe Products; and
5. Safe Occupation.

The report concludes that whilst progress has been made, much work remains to be done to fulfil the CLC’s ambition of an industry in which culture, behaviours and competence have been transformed to deliver safe buildings. It also sets out the ongoing work in relation to building safety, one of the CLC’s 4 strategic priorities, and notes that this work will be reviewed in the light of the publication of the Phase 2 Report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

Read the full report here.

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