CLC Acts to Ease Impact of Construction Inflation

The Construction Leadership Council has set out plans to mitigate the impacts of steep inflation that are hitting companies across the sector.

The recent Ukraine crisis has compounded existing challenges of materials’ supply and prices, caused by the aftereffects of Covid-19, escalating global demand, and supply chain disruptions. This has resulted in difficulties in both the availability and cost of many key materials used by the sector, with cost increases of 50% reported for some products in recent weeks.

The Construction Leadership Council has brought together experts from across the sector to look at the options available to reduce these impacts. It is recognised that many of the factors driving the materials crisis are outside the control of businesses and the UK Government. However, where it is possible to act, the CLC is seeking to co-ordinate industry effort to minimise risk and reduce the impact of inflation where it can.

Read the full press release here.

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