Construct Zero Performance Framework Dashboard – 3rd Quarterly Report

Today marks the publication of the third update to the Construction Leadership Council’s CO2nstruct Zero performance framework.

First published in July 2021, the Performance Framework provides a sector level dashboard of progress towards Net Zero. It tests whether industry is living up to its commitments to cut carbon using 28 metrics, linked to nine CO2nstruct Zero priorities. These include volumes of domestic low carbon retrofits delivered, amount of non-diesel plant being used, and cuts in energy used for production of key materials.

This quarter there has been progress on retrofit skills, with a new industry accreditation scheme for PAS 2035 (retrofit installers) to be launched in October, against which we will measure progress. We have also seen a positive increase in the number of retrofit co-ordinators (to a total of 506), from the second report. It’s clear that accelerated progress is needed to meet the 30,000 target by 2028.

Alongside the Performance Framework, the CLC today also publishes a joint CO2nstruct Zero/Green Construction Board Policy Progress Map.  It identifies current government ambition and policy development in relation to each CO2nstruct Zero Performance Framework metric, to support industry in driving change.

Read the full press release here.

A copy of the CO2nstruct Zero/Green Construction Board Policy Progress Map is available here.

A copy of the full Performance Framework update is available here.


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