Code for Construction Product Information

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is championing and supporting the delivery of safe and high quality buildings for those who live and work in them.

The CLC welcomes and supports the Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI), which has been developed following wide industry consultation and aims to ensure that the information provided on construction products is Clear, Accurate, Up-to-date, Accessible and Unambiguous.

This is an important step forward and demonstrates the industry showing leadership, with manufacturers taking responsibility for driving up standards and providing assurance to clients, specifiers and users.  We encourage manufacturers to adopt the Code, which provides an independent verification process to assesses the accuracy and clarity of the information provided about products or systems, including that any claims made are supported by relevant evidence from certification and testing bodies.

Whilst the CCPI does not test or verify the safety or performance of products, anyone specifying, using or installing products and systems that have achieved CCPI verification can rely on the information provided, which will also help to ensure compliance with new product safety rules.

Clients, designers, contractors and others requiring accurate information on products and systems can encourage their suppliers to sign up to the Code. Firms can also sign the Demand Side Supporters Pledge, which formalises their commitment and requires them to report on their progress of procuring verified products and systems.

Manufacturers pay an initial organisation assessment fee plus verification fees based on the number of products or systems submitted.  There is no cost to those requesting the information. There is no fee for signing the Demand Side Supporter’s Pledge.

CPI Ltd is the independently governed not for profit organisation responsible for the CCPI and administering the independent verification process and further information can be found here.


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