CLC Welcomes the National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline

The CLC today welcomes the publication of the Infrastructure and Project Authority’s (IPA) Procurement Pipeline which identifies procurements planned to go out to tender throughout the 2020-21 financial year.

The procurement pipeline includes over 340 procurement contracts across 269 projects, programmes and other investments. It also sets out a projection of infrastructure procurement over the next year of up to £37 billion.

The Pipeline will provide much needed confidence and certainty to the market during the COVID-19 pandemic – and as such is a key part of the CLC’s Road to Recovery .

Andy Mitchell said:

“The Construction Sector is facing an unprecedented challenge as a result of COVID-19. As the largest single client of economic and social infrastructure, a strong & clear pipeline of work from Government is vital to generating confidence and certainty.

I am therefore delighted that the Government has today responded to one of the proposals in the CLC Industry Recovery Plan and look forward to working with Government to deliver these projects over the months and years to come”.


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