CLC Skills Workstream publishes their strategy and action plan

The Construction Leadership Council and the CITB will assist and facilitate the UK Construction Industry, through its leadership, to successfully attract and retain the workforce it needs. This will also support the development of the required skills within the industry to deliver the UK’s built environment requirements in the short, medium and long term.

The CLC Skills Workstream will engage with the supply chain to support the activities detailed in this plan. It will also take a holistic view of the opportunities and challenges across construction and work with all key stakeholders, such as industry, education, government and training providers to make sure they are working together to achieve a common purpose.

The Construction Sector Deal outlines the strategic actions which government and industry are committed to delivering. Through collaboration we will ensure the construction sector grows and develops a workforce capable of delivering housing, infrastructure and wider industry needs to 2025 and beyond.

These are key objectives for one of the largest and most important sectors of the UK economy. In 2016 the wider construction sector, including contracting, product manufacturing and associated professional services had a turnover of around £370bn; it contributed £138bn in added value to the UK economy, representing 9% of UK value added; employed around 3.1 million workers, or around 9% of the UK workforce and exported over £8bn of products and services.

Read the full report here Skills-2018-Strategy-Action-Plan-July-2018-v2


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