Building Safety Update

Building Safety Regulator’s (BSR) Conference

The Health and Safety Executive will be holding its next Building Safety Regulator (BSR) Conference on 21 May 2024 at the NEC Birmingham.
This is a free event aimed at practitioner level and primarily for:

• Accountable and Principal Accountable Persons
• Building control Professionals
• Fire and Rescue Service Personnel
• Construction and design industries
• Organisations engaged with residents.

Register here for the conference.

BSR/OPSS/CLC Building Safety Webinars

Register for free online webinars:

• 17 April 2024 – 1pm – BSR and CLC Webinar – The Golden Thread of Information in Higher-Risk Buildings
• 22 April 2024 – 10am – OPSS and CLC Webinar – The Role of Construction Products in Building Safety
• 29 April 2024 – 11.30am – BSR, OPSS and CLC Webinar – Building Safety – Ask Your Questions

Building Control Registers

Find details of a building control approver listed on the Register of Building Control Approvers (RBCAs). All private sector businesses that want to do building control work in England and Wales under the Building Act 1984 (as amended) must be registered with the BSR.

Register of Building Control Approvers in England
Register of Building Control Approvers in Wales

Find details of a building inspector listed on the Register of Building Inspectors. All building inspectors who do building control work in England and Wales must be registered with the BSR.

Register of Building Inspectors in England
Register of Building Inspectors in Wales

Applications for Building Remediation Funding

Homes England have launched the ‘Building Remediation Hub’. The online Hub is open to all new applications for government funding to replace unsafe cladding on medium- and high-rise buildings (those over 11 metres).  The Building Safety Fund application form on Citizen Space will no longer be live once the Hub goes live with any unsubmitted information lost.

In addition, from 8 April, new applicants to the Building Safety Fund (BSF), using the Hub, should have their Fire Risk Appraisal of External Walls (FRAEW) carried out by a Homes England panel; and submit the appraisal in the required format. Applicants will receive details of the panel once completed the initial stage of application. The use of a panel member is, however, not mandatory.

Individuals can apply if they are:

• a Responsible Entity (the person(s) legally responsible for the building), or
• an authorised representative of a Responsible Entity, or
• a registered provider of social housing, and
• eligible to apply for government funding, having taken all reasonable steps to recover the costs of addressing the life safety fire risks associated with the cladding from those responsible (through insurance claims, warranties, legal action etc).

To qualify, buildings must:

• be over 11 metres high, and
• buildings with at least one qualifying residential leaseholder (with exception of social sector landlords applying due to financial viability concerns),
• have unsafe cladding on an external wall.

If applying via the financial viability route for social housing providers, there is no requirement for a residential leaseholder. Instead, the registered provider makes a declaration.

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